Oct 24, 2011

Good evening!

Normally I would say the motorcycle in the picture above is a pretty decent garbagem. In this particular instance, however, you'll notice that it's right next to a mattress, so there's a chance that it has bugs. Probably not worth the risk...

If you didn't get the joke, that's probably because you haven't read my Bed Bug articles. Have a look at the 'related' section if you're interested.

(Somerset, west of Cartier)

These are some pretty rustic looking chairs. Some would say they're well-worn; I would say they have character. Of course, you could always re-paint them, but I would consider that character assassination.

(Maclaren, east of Elgin)

I don't think there's much to explain here; we've all encountered the ubiquitous Poang chair, of Ikea fame. What concerns me is how frequently I seem to encounter them in the garbage...

(Cooper, west of Elgin)

Despite its position, leaning against a thousand bags full of trash, this suitcase seemed to be in pretty good condition. Aside from a bit of dirt on the front, I couldn't find anything wrong with it. I would say it's a diamond in the rough; a true garbagem.

(Lewis, west of O'Connor)

If you're having trouble spotting the gem in this picture, it's the large mirror leaning against the wall. I can understand if you had mistaken it for a door or a portal.

(Cooper, east of Elgin)

This is quite a charming medley of shelves, and judging by the way it's standing freely, I would say it's in functional condition. At the very least, it seems stable enough to support an antique lamp.

(O'Connor, south of Maclaren)

Have a look at the antique lamp sitting atop the upside-down 3-legged table, sitting atop the cover of an electric fan. I'm assuming the following is what happened:

This beautiful lamp had been kept on this extremely narrow table (which I imagine once had a full set of 4 legs). When the leg broke, the owner naturally couldn't find a use for the lamp, and thus decided to throw it away along with the table.

Trust me; I'm a forensics expert (in other words, I've seen CSI a few times). But seriously, have a closer look at this lamp:

Quite elegant.

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