Jan 2, 2012

Hello, and welcome back to Garbagems! I hope you had (or are having) a wonderful holiday. Furthermore, I hope you've been enjoying the new year; I'm told it'll be our last.

As you'll discover in just a moment, I didn't find too many outstanding treasures tonight, though I was able to post a few things that may be of interest. Have a look:

(Maclaren, east of Metcalfe)

I like a garbage pile that tells a story. In this case, it's a story of celebration and poor judgment.

But seriously folks, if you felt inclined to return these empties, you could probably make a few bucks (not to mention facilitating the reuse process, which is what we're all about here).

(Cooper, east of Elgin)

Quite a charming piece of furniture here. It looks oddly natural in the corner of this parking lot.

(Metcalfe, south of Lisgar)

At the front of this pile, you'll notice an abnormally large collection of Venetian blinds. I guess the tenants here have finally decided to embrace the sun.

(O'Connor, north of Somerset)

Another pile of blinds!? At this point, it couldn't simply be a coincidence; I'm convinced this is related to some kind of cult.

Also, if you look closely, you may notice an unopened roll of wrapping paper. As though the gift-exchanging process wasn't wasteful enough, this person has decided to cut out the middleman and skip right to the disposal phase.

(Maclaren, west of Cartier)

I was a bit confused when I spotted this. I think it's either a set of uncomfortable chairs, or an unusual table in 2 parts.

I'd like to give it the benefit of the doubt, and say that it's a transformer. Behold:

Still looks pretty weird; maybe neither of these are the intended configuration. I'm open to suggestions.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful night!

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