Dec 7, 2009

White trash.

There's something very reassuring about a snowfall at night; watching the city being tucked into bed under a thin white blanket. And much like my bedtime, I treat it as the perfect opportunity to stay up and roam the city streets. Here's what I found this time...

Moving Out?
(Maclaren, east of Metcalfe)

Looks like a pile of pretty solid furniture up for grabs, unless this was someone's failed attempt at converting their living room to an outdoor setup (No doubt someone who colossally misunderstood the term 'winterize').

Grandfather chair
(Somerset, east of Cartier)

I'm not claiming it's a chair
fit for a grandfather. I mean it's a chair that looks like a grandfather. From the sophistication of its full head of white hair, to the unfortunate toll time has incurred on its now wrinkled complexion / upholstery, this thing is a geezer. Pretty adorable, as far as chairs go.

Wipers, NIB
(Maclaren, east of Elgin)

Another advantage to fresh snow is that it inherently presents a log of all the recent visitors in a given area. In this instance, the evidence pointed to a canine visitor. And I don't blame the dog who sniffed this one out; the bucket contains what appeared to be brand new windshield wipers, still in the package! I won't even attempt a joke about this. It's simply amazing.

Thrills and Grills
(Cooper, east of Metcalfe)

I really have no idea what this thing is. Seriously, after conducting a thorough inspection, I only ended up with more questions. The only conclusions I was able to draw were that it's currently upside-down, the legs are spring-loaded and retractable, it was made in China, and it's beautiful. Also, there's a barbeque.

Thanks for reading! Have a great night.

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