Jan 18, 2010

Hi! It's nice to see you again.

There wasn't much out there tonight. I extended my route and still didn't see anything good. It's hard to be disappointed, though, if this means less waste.

Of course, Garbagems is intended to be mildly entertaining, so since I couldn't find anything I thought you'd like, I photographed some things I'm sure you won't like.

Weathered Pleather
(Cartier, south of Somerset)

Why bother cleaning your couch when you could just throw it out? I'll admit I've applied this philosophy to a few items: sandwich bags, tupperware containing food so old it could be called a science experiment. Once when I was young, my mom asked me to clean my room, so I set the house on fire. Also, one time I didn't feel like taking a shower, so I just jumped in a coffin.

(Maclaren, east of Elgin)

This seems like an appropriate end for something which has undoubtedly caused so much discomfort for so many people. It may be schadenfreude, but it's almost satisfying to see a futon treated like this. I had a peek inside, and just as I'm sure you suspected, there was a body inside.

Have a great night!

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit, it did cross my mind a few times when I was working at a restaurant as a dishwasher, to just break the dishes...
