June 28, 2010

Drive-by shootings.

(Lisgar, west of Metcalfe)

These three wooden objects caught my eye. I'm especially fond of the legs on the rightmost end table. Being vaguely cube-shaped and covered in white powder, these things pleasantly reminded me of Turkish delight. Everything seemed to be in pretty good shape under the powder layer.

(O'Connor, south of Somerset)

(Gilmour, west of Driveway)

This might not be the nicest looking furniture, but I figured these were worth posting for their alternate uses. Finding a drawer with convenient dimensions is much less laborious and costly than constructing or purchasing a box the same size. As I've previously insinuated, drawers like this typically serve nicely as planters. If you're thinking about starting a rooftop garden, look no further.

Speaking of which, last weekend, I stumbled upon a nice stack of drawers in a construction area at a local university. I went to grab a few on Friday night, but was stopped by a friendly security officer who explained that the university was in the process of destroying the drawers, as well as a bunch of other old but functional objects, specifically to deter students from 'stealing' them.

Seems like a pretty counterproductive security measure to me...

The gentleman encouraged me to return the following day and inquire about the drawers within the nearby residence. He assured me that no further demolition would take place over the weekend.

I came back the next day only to find this:

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