Sept 7, 2010

Hey, can I be honest with you? I was pretty worried that tonight's treasure hunt would be compromised by the rain storm. Luckily, it had stopped raining by the time I departed, and I was able to find some photo-worthy piles. A few of them had some decent-looking stuff. Some of them had dry stuff. Most of them were wooden things.

(Kent, north of Gilmour)

The thing in the front looks like it might have been used to keep bees or something. The things in the back look like shopping carts.

(Maclaren, west of Bank)

I doubt any of these things will ever serve their intended purposes again, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're no longer useful for some purpose. Get creative.

(Maclaren, east of Metcalfe)

Since there's been so much talk about franken-furniture lately, I would suggest combining these two things to make a rockstar-themed, ultra-minimal coffee table.

Also, there's a couch. But it's gross.

Here are some not-wooden things:

(Somerset + Metcalfe)

I think it's a bit dramatic to throw out a chandelier just because it's missing a bulb. Especially one this elegant.

(Somerset, west of Driveway)

The cables looked cool and useful, the printer was moderately appealing, but what really sold me was Erik Satie Piano Music.

(Cooper, west of Elgin)

The left box appears to contain some video cassettes. In case you can't make out the titles, here's a small sample:

"The Cough and Cold Facts"

"Your Baby, Your Doctor, and You: Part 1 - Your Baby"

"Your Baby, Your Doctor, and You: Part 2 - Your Doctor"

"Fetal Alcohol Syndrome"

There were also some soggy textbooks and magazines in the box on the right, as well as a very charming Danish butter cookie tin.

How nice.


  1. I would have sprung for those videos if "Part 3 - You" was available. Seeing as I don't have a baby or a doctor, those parts seem irrelevant.

  2. Neil, I think "Fetal Alcohol Syndrome" was about you :P
