Jan 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

I hope your holidays were as fulfilling and inspirational as mine were. My resolution for the year is to not buy anything. You should try it!

(Gilmour, west of O'Connor)

I think this display cabinet speaks for itself. There was also pile of other stuff behind it (mostly crap), including vacuum cleaner parts and a smashed computer monitor. Evidently it wasn't worth photographing... probably not worth mentioning either. Sorry.

(Gilmour, east of Bank)

If you're in the market for a nice set of wheels, you're in luck! But seriously, this appears to be a high quality chair in decent condition, just missing the seat component.

(Maclaren, east of Cartier)

This one is a serious treasure heap. If you're in the area, I'd recommend having a look, as the photos fail to capture the full magnitude of these objects' dazzling beauty. Buried beneath some of the more commonplace items, you'll notice some rare gems (such as a mid-century 'surfboard' style coffee table, and a pretty nice-looking chair). There's also a lovely assortment of coat hangers, visible in the first photo. I don't think I need to tell you about how versatile coat hangers can be...

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