March 21, 2011

Good evening!

As you may have realized, it's now officially Spring. I hope you're enjoying the lovely spring weather we're having. I hope it snows all year.

(Lewis, east of Cartier)

Judging by the vacuum cleaner, it looks like someone finished their spring cleaning. Judging by the X-mas tree, I'd say it was overdue.

(Maclaren, east of Cartier)

I know you're not one to judge a book by its cover, but it seems worth mentioning that the soiled Ikea chair cushion in front is not an accurate representation of the overall quality of the items in this pile. The dresser and stool are both certified gems, and the thing in front of the dresser looked pretty solid too, whatever it may be.

(Cooper, east of Elgin)

For serious magazine subscribers, here's a magazine rack with abundant storage options. I took a peek inside and it was quite spacious; you could probably fit a few hundred magazines in there. You could also pile some magazines on top. It might also be possible to store things that aren't magazines in this, but that seems a bit unusual.

There's also a nice looking door in the background, in case you didn't notice.

(Somerset, west of MacDonald)

This looks a lot like a fireplace, but there's a mirror in the centre instead of a fire. I think this would be a nice mirror for Human Torch, Ghost Rider, or anyone else who happens to be on fire most of the time. It would also be appropriate for people who like miniature drawers (and really, who doesn't?).

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