Dec 13, 2010

Good evening.

There was definitely a lot of garbage out there tonight, but not too many gems. Most of the piles looked pretty much like this:

As I believe I've said in the past, I can't be too upset about a lack of good garbage if it means that centretown residents are throwing away fewer valuable items. Now we'll just have to work on reducing our general consumption...

(MacDonald, south of Gilmour)

I think this one pretty much speaks for itself (as I mentioned previously, not a lot of gems tonight). In fairness, it seems like a functional set of shelves. At the very least, I can guarantee that they're capable of supporting a few centimetres of snow.

(Lisgar, west of Metcalfe)

Floral + Plaid has to be the most aesthetically pleasing combination of patterns. If only my living room could accommodate this stunning set of couches.

In case you didn't notice, there's also a sewing machine on the right. It's a Singer, which I'm told is a quality brand. If it's at all related to Peter Singer, then I'd expect nothing less.

(Lisgar, south of O'Connor)

Another glorious living room set. By now, you're probably getting a pretty clear sense of the quality (or lack thereof) of the gems out there tonight (in case you needed another reason to stay in).

(Cooper, west of Metcalfe)

You may recognize this one from a few weeks ago. I guess the sanitation engineer didn't think it was garbage (It does seem to be having a hard time fitting in with the popular crowd of bags hanging around the lamp post). I can also kind of understand why no one else has bothered to pick it up though, as a freezer in this climate seems a bit redundant.

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