March 28, 2011

Hello and welcome.

I had to take this photo because I was so impressed by the position of the tags on the lamp post. However, it's also a cautionary image, as it shows that graffiti artists are proficient climbers. So if you're ever chased by one, climbing a tree won't guarantee your safety. I recommend going fetal.

(Somerset, east of Cartier)

This may appear to be an ordinary set of utility shelves, but if you're familiar with the area, then you'll know that these were found just outside of a church. Judging by the condition, I'd say they lived in there for a long time, so it's only natural to assume that they received some form of blessing, or at least picked up some holy vibes through osmosis. I'm not an expert in theology or anything, but I'm pretty sure that's how these things work.

(Lewis, east of Derby)

It always breaks my heart a bit to see boxes of old computer parts like this. Since I'm part robot, this is basically the equivalent of seeing a box of abandoned kittens. Old keyboards and routers need loving homes too.

There were also some golf clubs in the garbage bin. They may not be in golfable condition, but I'm sure they could still serve some useful purpose.

(O'Connor, north of Lisgar)

I was really surprised by the quality of this briefcase. I had a peak inside and it was particularly clean and rigid. In fact, it was so rigid that you could probably keep important documents in there without the reinforcement of a binder or folder. That could save you lots of money from your stationery protection budget. And your briefcase budget, I suppose.

(Lisgar, west of Metcalfe)

A broken mirror can be more effective than a warped mirror. It still gives an accurate image, but it's only partial. It also looks cooler.

This could also be of some value if you're into creating mosaics or some other form of glass-based art. I wouldn't recommend picking up the mattress though.

(O'Connor, south of Gilmour)

At this point you may be starting to question my judgment in terms of the items I've chosen to post. Well, this may not be the nicest dresser, but I figured some of it may still be usable. I've already spoken in depth about the many uses of dresser drawers, but this time I'd like to draw your attention to the knobs. Have a closer look:

Have you always wanted a diamond ring? Glue one of these knobs onto a metallic band and no one will be the wiser. Trust me.

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